We all know that successful fat-loss requires training and the three D's: diet, dedication, and determination. But why not cover all of your bases? Fat-loss supplements can turn a home run transformation into a grand slam. Whether you're trying supplements for the first time, or would like to take your results to the next level, we've designed a supplement stack to help you achieve the ripped physique of your dreams! Time to crank it up!
The Male Teen Progressive Fat Loss stack has been designed to support your daily fat loss needs. With a multivitamin and essential fatty acids, your general health and wellness supplements are covered.
If there's one nutrient that's an absolute must in your diet, protein is it. Protein forms the building blocks for your muscle tissue, so without it your body would lack a critical component needed for muscle to even exist. Whey is one of the best absorbed forms of protein in the body, even higher than chicken or fish. The benefits are vast!
- Easy and convenient
- Helps satisfy cravings
- Promotes strength gains*
- Promotes cardiovascular function*
- Immune system optimization*
Multi-vitamins are one of the best investments one can make in supplementing their exercise and diet.* Essentially, multi-vitamins encourage efficiency in your body for all of its various functions.* Deficiency in any one vitamin can result in a multiplier effect, meaning that missing one vitamin can negatively affect multiple body functions.
- Fast metabolism for anyone trying to lose fat*
- Health immune system function*
- Strong bones and tissue*
- Efficient muscle building and repair*
- Daily body maintenance*
You can use micellar casein to support long-term muscle building and help keep your muscles happy as you go about your day.* While whey isolate protein is ideal for your post-workout shake, micellar casein protein is the top choice for repair around the clock when you aren't training.*
- Fights catabolism*
- Long term protein absorption and muscle repair*
- Lean muscle development*
Since your body cannot produce essential fatty acids (EFAs) on its own, you have to get EFAs from the foods you eat like salmon, flax seeds, or other cold water fish. You can also supplement your intake of EFAs with supplemental products. Taking an EFA supplement may be helpful in many different areas.
- Healthy cardiovascular system, immune system and brain function*
- Joint support and healthy hormone production*
- Encourage an active metabolism*
- Fast muscle recovery from high intensity exercise*
Pre-workout boosters are designed to help you maximize your time in the gym and attack those weight racks!* Some of the benefits you may experience are:
- Sharp mental alertness and focus*
- Skyrocketing energy levels*
- Circulating oxygen flow in the muscle tissue*
- Explosive muscular energy*
- Vein-popping vascular pumps*
Build up your fat loss supplement arsenal with Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)!* CLA is a fatty acid that occurs naturally in meat as well as some dairy sources. While primarily encouraging fat balance and protein metabolism in the body, CLA may help your body burn up calories and improve the way your body utilizes the food/fuel you eat.*