Build a lean Body

April 2, 2023
How to Use Dumbbells for Women
Image titled Build a Lean Body Step 1Start eating lots of small meals. 6 Meals a day is best, spaced 2-3 hours from each other. This will get your metabolism moving faster, and train you to eat less at each meal.

Eat real food. If it looks like it was once alive (a cut of salmon, an apple, salad, a steak) it's generally better than things that are more heavily processed (pizza, waffles, power bars, etc.).

If you're really committed, count your calories.Image titled Build a Lean Body Step 2 This is a lot of trouble, but is the best way to make sure you're not eating too much. building a lean body is all about making sure you're dropping pounds of fat.

Workout. Lifting weights isn't just for guys - lifts like the squat, bench press, dead lift will get you stronger and burn way more calories than bicep curls or other (smaller exercises). Try starting with just 2 times a week.

Do cardio. Run, jog, swim, bi roller blade, etc. If you do the other stuff on this list you'll be using time for other stuff, but some intense cardio even once or twice a week is great.Image titled Build a Lean Body Step 3 Sprinting up a hill, kettle bell swings, biking really fast, swim sprints, etc.

Keep it up. You won't see the best results in just days of this. This requires a commitment on your part to exercise and eat right for weeks or months to see the best results. And if you really want to keep your lean body, just work these essential into your regular schedule.

Image titled Build a Lean Body Step 4 Image titled Build a Lean Body Step 5

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