The search for sleeve-busting biceps and chiseled chest has led lifters to try virtually anything to gain more muscle and see better results. All of the new, cutting-edge techniques that are emerging have led us to forget one thing - what actually works. Real training programs should be based off of results, which in this case, refers to effectiveness at putting on huge amounts of muscle.
There are tons of training programs out there that promise a big return on your training investment. Some focus on an extremely high training volume whereas others promise big gains with relatively little training. It’s hard to find a workout program that actually delivers. To actually build muscle and transform your physique, we went back to the basics and highlighted 5 methods that pass our litmus test - results.
1. Rest-Pause Sets
In terms of producing hypertrophy, training volume is crucial. Putting enough stimulus on the muscle for growth is imperative if you want to see any kind of results. Rest-pause training typically works by having the lifter perform a few reps, racking the weight for 15 seconds, and then un-racking it and continuing to work. This continues for several sets. JC Deen, trainer and author of JCDFitness.com explains why this method works so well. “This type of training is very effective for mass gain because it allows you to approach fatigue very quickly while allowing you to get in more of the reps that 'count' so to speak.”
To introduce rest-pause training into your routine, start by picking one exercise at the beginning of your routine, preferably a heavy hitter like back squats, bench press, etc. After a thorough warm-up, load the bar with a weight that equates to somewhere between your 3- and 5-rep max. Get under the bar and perform one repetition. Rest 15-30 seconds, then repeat. Aim to complete 10 sets. Once you can get all 10 with good form, increase the weight for your next session. Because rest-pause training can be extremely taxing, start with only one or two exercises a week and progress up.